Photoblocks at custom sizes
We can make photoblocks to order at any size finished at the same high quality as our standard 18mm blocks.
Bear in mind that 18mm MDF is quite heavy so for large prints our 12mm block-mounts may be more suitable.
Please use the contact form for a quotation and follow the specifications carefully.
Price is calculated at an area rate for any or all of the following: block manufacture, printing,
laminating and mounting.
Block-mounts – suitable for large-format prints
Block-mounting is a simple, cost-effective method of mounting large prints.
Price is calculated at a square metre rate for (A) printing & laminating,
and (B) block-mounting.
Please use the contact form for a quotation.
Thickness of the MDF used is generally 12mm.
Edges can be beveled or finished square and are stained black.
Size is limited only by the size of standards sheets (1.2 x 2.4m or 3.6m).
Hanging a block-mount is straightforward with our beveled mounting
brackets (Wallmates) supplied with each block. The wall component is
screwed horizontally to the wall and then the matching part on the back
of the mount is simply lowered on for a firm fit. This secures the block 12mm
out from the wall giving it an attractive suspended appearance.
Printing, laminating, & mounting for block-mounts
Large ink-jet prints can be made to any length at a width of 1.5m
Laminating – our non-reflective (matte) laminate can be wiped with a wet cloth.
Mounting a print is a skilled task and is included in the cost of the block.